Electronic Pen Acupuncture Meridians Laser Therapy Massage Acupuncture Laser Pen Relief Pain Tools
When Western medicine falls short, Eastern practices begin to shine and give their full potential. Acupuncture is one of its forms, and anyone can practice this ancient art using an acupuncture pen. Without the need for dangerous practices or years of training to perform them, you can enjoy this incredible method.
To do so, this electric acupuncture pen applies gentle electric currents to specific points on your body. You only need to place it in the corresponding place and make it work. You can also use the different heads included to give a sense of its use to achieve different results. Thus, this acupuncture laser pen is a truly versatile tool.
Pen acupuncture features
- Rejuvenates the facial muscles and gives a relaxed and fair face
- Works on your body muscles that are immobilized and contracted
- Designed to relieve pain quickly
- Nine different power levels which can be used as per the required muscle treatment
- Relies on electric current to stimulate the points. The current flows from the tip of the product through the human body form a circular flow with the pen.
- Material: Composite material
- Sizes: 18.3 x 2.5 cm
Package includes:
- 1 Pen acupuncture
- 1 Set of heads for pen:
- 1 Spheroidal head
- 1 Scrapping head
- 1 Tapping head
- 1 User manual